La Coral Càrmina respon al repte d'arranjar una cançó del catàleg del segell discogràfic Smithsonian Folkways.
Since 1983, Joanetes has been home to a sprawling, vibrant Living Nativity.
By adding a new component to All Saints’ Day, this village of 1,400 residents has combined tradition and innovation.
Badia i Margarit was a linguist, a philologist, and a professor, and he was in love with St. Privat d’en Bas.
The opposition to the Bracons Tunnel constituted an innovation in the country.
Originally, this iteration of the Virgin Mary lived in a small round hole, the size of a little pot.
Since the crayfish is critically endangered, so are the games, fishing traditions, recipes, and other customs involving it.
Rainfall between October 17 and 18, 1940, was so intense that it exceeded three feet in some parts of the region.
Antognioni Brunhoso lives inside an old textile factory on the outskirts of St. Esteve in the Vall d’en Bas, Catalonia.