Personnel from federally chartered veterans service organizations and from federal agencies (Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Labor, and Social Security Administration) assisted veterans and their families by providing information on veterans' resources and benefits.
Veterans Services Organizations:
- Air Force Sergeants Association
- American G.I. Forum of the U.S.
- The American Legion
- American Red Cross
- Armed Forces Retirement Home
- Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.
- Catholic War Veterans, USA, Inc.
- Department of Labor
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Disabled American Veterans
- Fleet Reserve Association
- Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
- Japanese American Veterans Association
- The Jewish War Veterans of the USA
- Marine Corps League, Inc.
- Military Officers Association of America
- Military Order of the Purple Heart
- Military Order of the World Wars
- National Association for Black Veterans, Inc.
- National Guard Association of the United States
- Non Commissioned Officers Association
- Paralyzed Veterans of America
- Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, Inc.
- Polish Legion of American Veterans, USA
- The Retired Enlisted Association
- Social Security Administration
- United Spinal Association
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation, Inc.