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The SomVallBas cultural sustainbility project holds 800 hours of interviews conducted in the summer of 2019. The Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage contracted local researchers and scholars to document the intangible heritage of the Vall d’en Bas, including tradition bearers, artisans, customs, places, objects, events, and emergent expressions.

The documentation reveals landscape as intangible heritage to the people of the Vall d’en Bas. The Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections houses the collection. All materials have been shared with the community.

SomVallBas is a partnership between the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage; Can Trona, a local institution managed by the city hall of the Vall d’en Bas; and the Directorate General of Popular Culture and Cultural Associations of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Lead Researchers: Meritxell Martín i Pardo, Michael Atwood Mason

Coordinators: Laura Canalias, Pablo Molinero

Fieldwork Interns: Júlia Albós, Marta Ayala, Griselda Ballester, Arnau Brosa, Mallol Codony, Núria Gascons, Nando Loras, Pau Martí, Mònica Oliva, Marta Rosell, Magda Roca, Marta Ruiz, Adrià Sánchez, Ivan Sancho, Maria Senserrich, Clara Soler, Martí Torra, Anna Verdaguer, Albert Vergés

Inventory Interns: Júlia Albós, Griselda Ballester, Pau Martí, Mònica Oliva

General Directorate of Popular Culture and Cultural Associations: Àngels Blasco, Rosa Canela, Verònica Guarch, Rafel Folch

Research Associates: Xevi Collell, Meritxell Martín i Pardo

Presenters: Laura Canalias, Xevi Collell, Pau Martí, Mònica Oliva, Marta Rosell, Adrià Sánchez

Photographers: Laura Canalias, Xevi Collell, Meritxell Martín i Pardo, Marc Planagumà, Antoni Soler

Editors: Elisa Hough, Ana Peris, Ester Santaló

Special Thanks

Individuals: Lluís Amat, Marta Ayala, Joan Ayats, Anna Bach, Janina Bach, Emilia Bassols, Laia Blasco, Arnau Brosa, Ton Casamitjana, Maria Fageda, Miquel Àngel Fumanal, Josep Maria Francino, Pep Garcia, Jordi Grau, Jesús Gutiérrez, Lluís Juvanteny, Mònica López, Janina Mayà, Antoni Mayans, Àlex Noguer, Maite Oliva, Carme Pagès, Sandra Pérez, Bartomeu Plana, Sergi Plana, Rosa Pujol, Joan Pujolriu, Xavier Puig, Albert Puigdemont, Narcís Salgueda, Turina Serra, Mia Serrat, Ramon Torrent, Jordi Traveria, Clàudia Riera, Àngel Rigall, Helena Roca, Magda Roca, Alba Roquer, Eva Rosich, Lluís Rubió, Raül Valls, Montserrat Ventura, Joan Vergés, Oriol Vicente

Institutions: Ajuntament de la Vall d’en Bas, Can Trona—Centre de Cultura i Natura de la Vall d’en Bas, Direcció general de cultural popular i associacionisme cultural, Institut Ramón Llull, Patronat d’Estudis Històrics d’Olot i Comarca, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Girona

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